Everyone Once in Their Life, Will Take The Wrong Move

Haf Narandzhaf
3 min readJan 20, 2022

Everyone once in their life will take the wrong move. It is the part of their journey. Nobody’s perfect. Sometimes, what they see is not what’s correct one. The most important thing is how they acknowledge the mistake and take it as a lesson learned. This is how you get up after the falling; how you redeem the mistake and get back to the correct way.

It’s what happened to me.

I was so naive that I couldn’t see more behind the veil. I was so angry that I couldn’t think more clearlier. I was driven by my disappointment that I couldn’t find any reason not to leave of what I’d been walking through the years.

Sometimes, when your world doesn’t go as your expectation, it would’ve been better if you sit it through, take a breathe for a while and just relax. Don’t let ego consume you — or everything will go the opposite way. Or, if you don’t have any reason to stay wherever you are, just pull aside for a while, and see the whole road. Do you take the correct way?

I was driven by the angriness and disappointment of where I’ve been walking through, and then I just found a new way that I thought it would get me into my destination with no harm; no an heavy head. It felt like, you have given everything to find the destination, but the road never got you there. So, that’s why you need to find another way. But, unfortunately, you choose the wrong path.

It was obvious, another way I found offered me good things to walk through. It was obvious, I would get into my destination as I wish to be. It was correct at the beginning, until I realized it wasn’t. Because of the push factor to change the way, everything I’ve monitored along the way blocked me from the truth that I’ve chosen a wrong step.

The more I walked through, the more it gave a lot of heaviness in my head and chest. The more I saw the road, the more it became blurred; led me to the unknown place that full of shade and darkness. It stopped me to step even more further. I became worser than I was before moving on. Until one day, I couldn’t take it anymore and decide to find an alternative road. The alternative way that’s been giving more stressful and a bit depressed until in one point, I meet a crossroad: a way back to where it’s all started and the way to unknown road that I can’t see where it ends.

So, here I am. Trying to make amends and walking through the alternative road after acknowledging my mistake and now facing the crossroad. Which road that I should take just to see another tomorrow?
I can’t find the answer yet.

